22 de Julio de 2021 -

Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't

por Scarlett

Hello, my friend (hola, mi amigo). How are you feeling today? (¿cómo te estás sintiendo hoy?). Welcome back (bienvenido otra vez). Today, Rule #9 (hoy, Regla #9). Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't (asume que la persona que estás escuchando puede saber algo que tú no sabes). Listening is paying attention (oír es prestar atención). It's amazing what people will tell you if you listen (es increíble lo que las personas dicen si las escuchas). Sometimes if you listen to people they will even tell you what's wrong with them (a veces si escuchas ellos te diran lo que esta mal con ellos). Sometimes they will even tell you how they plan to fix it (a veces ellos te diran como planean arreglar eso). Sometimes that helps you fix something wrong with yourself (a veces esto te ayuda a arreglar algo en ti mismo). If you listen, without premature judgment, people will generally tell you everything they are thinking and with very little deceit (si escuchas sin juzgamiento previo, las personas te diran todo lo que están pensando con muy poco engaño). People will tell you the most amazing, absurd, interesting things (las personas te dirán las cosas más increíbles, absurdas e interesantes). Very few of your conversations will be boring (muy pocas de sus conversaciones son aburridas). So, listen to yourself and to those with whom you are speaking (entonces escúchate a ti mismo y a aquellos con quien estás hablando). Your wisdom then consists not of the knowledge you already have but the continual search for knowledge, which is the highest form of wisdom (tu sabiduría entonces no consiste en el conocimiento que ya tienes, pero de la contínua busqueda por el conocimiento, que es la forma más alta de sabiduría). It is for this reason that the priestess of the Delphic Oracle in ancient Greece spoke most highly of Socrates who always sought the truth (es por esta razón que la sacerdotisa del Oráculo de Delfos en Grécia antigua habló tan bien de Sócrates que siempre buscó la verdad). She described him as the wisest living man because he knew that what he knew was nothing (ela o descreveu como o homem mais sábio porque ele sabia que o que ele sabia não era nada). Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't (asume que la persona que estás escuchando puede saber algo que tú no sabes). Comment here about someone from your family who is a good listener (comente aquí sobre alguien de tu familia que buen oyente). What are the conversations with this person like? (¿cómo son las conversaciones con esta persona?). Why do you like to talk to this person? (¿por qué te gusta conversar con esta persona?). See you next class!

1. This rule talks about ___.

2. When you really listen, people ___.

3. When you're open to listen, conversations ___.

4. Wisdom is built on ___.

5. The more we know, the more we realize ___.

6. Next rule talks about ___.

7. When you listen with attention ___.

8. When you really listen conversations ___.

9. Be ___ to learn new things.

10. By listening with attention you have the opportunity to ___.