20 de Ceptiembre de 2017 -

Around the neighborhood 3

por Jose Miguel

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora on the street. We're here at Chavo/Chaves village and let's talk about family (estamos aquí en la villa de Chavo y vamos hablar sobre familia). We have 3 kinds of family (tenemos 3 tipos de familia). Immediate family (familia cercana). Extended family (familia extendida). Blended family (familia mezclada). The immediate family is our mom, dad and brothers (la familia cercana es nuestra madre, padre y hermanos). My mom is Ana, my dad is Elias (mi madre es Ana, mi padre es Elias). My brother is Pedro (mi hermano es Pedro). We're the immediate family (somos la familia cercana). The extended family includes brothers of my father who are my uncles (la familia extendida incluye hermanos de mi padre que son mis tios). Sisters of my mother (hermanas de mi madre). Sister of my mom = my aunt (hermana de mi madre = mi tía). Their sons (sus hijos). The sons of my uncles and aunt are my cousins (los hijos de mis tíos y tía son mis primos). They are our extended family (ellos son nuestra familia extendida). The father of my father = my grandfather (el padre de mi padre = mi abuelo). My grandpa (mi abuelo). The mother of my mom/dad: my grandmother (la madre de mi madre/padre: mi abuela). They're the extended family (ellos son nuestra familia extendida). The blended family is the family I started having after marrying someone (la familia mezclada es la familia que empiezo a tener después de casarme con alguien). The family my dad started having after marrying my mom (la familia que mi padre empieza a tener después de casarse con mi madre). His mother-in-law (la suegra de él). The mother of my mom is my dad's mother-in-law (la madre de mi madre es la suegra de mi padre). Father-in-law (suegro). Stepson (hijastro). When my mom has a son (cuando mi madre tiene un hijo). My father doesn't have a son and they get married (mi padre no tiene un hijo y ellos se casan). The son of my mother becomes the stepson of my father (el hijo de mi madre se convierte en el hijastro de mi padre). Immediate family (familia cercana). Extended family (familia extendida). Blended family (familia mezclada). Comment here (comenta aqui). Comment about 2 members of your immediate family (comenta sobre 2 miembros de tu familia cercana). 2 members of your extended family (2 miembros de tu familia extendida). 2 members of your blended family (2 miembros de tu familia mezclada). Comment here (comenta aqui). See you next class!

1. Felipe's ___ are Elias and ___.

2. Felipe's ___ is Pedro.

3. My ___ are part of my ___ family.

4. My ___ is my mom's ___.

5. My dad's ___ is my ___. My dad's sister is my ___.

6. My girlfriend became my ___ when we got ___.

7. The sons of my daughter are my ___. My mom's dad is my ___.

8. My ___ is part of my ___ family. Do you like your mother-in-law?

9. My ___ are the sons of my ___. We get along very well!

10. When two people get married a ___ family is made out of their primary ___ families.