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Simple Past II

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora simple past. I played soccer yesterday (yo jugué fútbol ayer). I watched TV yesterday (yo ví televisión ayer). We chatted online last week (nosotros charlamos online en la última semana). Negative - didn't. I didn't study yesterday (yo no estudié ayer). I didn't play volleyball yesterday (yo no jugué voleibol ayer). Did you speak English yesterday? (tú hablaste inglés ayer?). Yes, I did (sí). No, I didn't (no). Clean (lumpiar). I cleaned my house (yo limpié mi casa). I didn't clean my house (yo no limpié mi casa). Did I clean my house? (yo limpié mi casa?). Invite (invitar). They invited many people (éllos invitaron muchas personas). They didn't invite many people (éllos no invitaron muchas personas). Did they invite many people? (éllos invitaron muchas personas?). Yes, they did (sí). No, they didn't (no). Listen to the question, pause the video and answer the question (escucha la pregunta, pausa el video y contesta la pregunta). Did you clean your house yesterday? (tú limpiaste tu casa ayer?). Did you study English yesterday? (tú estudiaste inglés ayer?). Did you stay home last night? (tú quedaste en casa anoche?). Did you understand? (tú comprendiste?). Yes, I did! (sí, comprendí!). Send us a message (envianos un mensaje). See you next class!

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