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Review There is, There are

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes agora there is and there are (hay). There's a book on the table (hay un libro sobre la mesa). There are many students in class (hay muchos alumnos en clase). There is (singular). There are (plural). Verb BE (ser/estar). There is/are (hay). There's a car on the street (hay un coche en la calle). There are many people here (hay muchas personas aqui). There are many students at school (hay muchos alumnos en la escuela). There aren't (are not) many people at work (no hay muchas personas en el trabajo). There is a dog here (hay un perro aqui). There isn't a dog here (no hay un perro aqui). Is there a dog here? (hay un perro aqui). Yes, there is (sí, hay). No, there isn't (no hay). Are there good classes at Tú Aprendes Ahora? (hay buenas class en Tú Aprendes Ahora?). Yes, there are (sí, hay). No, there aren't (no hay). There are good classes at Tú Aprendes Ahora (hay buenas clases en Tú Aprendes Ahora). There aren't good classes at Tú Aprendes Ahora (no hay buenas clases en Tú Aprendes Ahora). Are there good classes at Tú Aprendes Ahora? (hay buenas class en Tú Aprendes Ahora?). Are there...? (hay...). Yes, there are (hay). No, there aren't (no hay). Do you understand? (tú comprendes?). Invent examples using "there is" and "there are" (inventa ejemplos usando "there is" y "there are"). Answer the questions at (contesta las preguntas en el website). Questions? Send a message (preguntas? envia un mensaje). We're here to help you (estamos aqui para ayudarte). See you next class!

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