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Questions using Simple Past

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora questions using simple past (preguntas usando el simple past). Listen to the question (escucha la pregunta). Pause the video (pausa el video). Answer the question in front of your screen (contesta la pregunta frente a tu pantalla). Did you meet your friends yesterday? (encontraste tus amigos ayer?). Did you take your books to school last week? (llevaste tus libros a la escuela semana pasada?). Did you write a letter to your parents yesterday? (escribiste una carta a tus padres ayer?). What did you do last weekend? (que hiziste semana pasada?). Did you have a cellphone last year? (tuviste un celular año pasado?). Did you take an exam last week? (tomaste el examen semana pasada?). What did you do yesterday night? (que hiziste anoche?). Where did you go last weekend? (dónde fuiste fin de semana pasado?). Did you have a good time last week? (passage bien semana pasada?). Answer these questions (contesta estas preguntas). Options with Certificate at (opciones con Certificado en el website). Questions? Send a message! (preguntas? envia un mensaje!). Did you understand? (tú comprendiste?). See you next class!

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