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Quantities of food part 1

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora quantities of food (cantidades de comida). Quantities of food (cantidades de comida). What they had in their refrigerator (lo que ellos tenían en su refrigerador). Quantities of food (cantidades de comida). Countable, uncountable nouns (sustantivos contables e incontables). "Like" this class (dale "me gusta" a esta clase). When you "like" our class we follow your progress (cuando le das "me gusta" seguimos tu progreso). Countable nouns (sustantivos contables). Countable nouns (sustantivos contables). A few (pocos). Many (muchos). A few (pocos) Many (muchos). There are a few chocolate bars in my refrigerator (hay pocas barras de chocolate en mi refrigerador). There are a few chocolate bars in my refrigerator (hay unas pocas barras de chocolate en mi refrigerador). There are some frozen meals in my freezer (hay algunas comidas congeladas en mi congelador). There are some frozen meals in my freezer (hay algunas comidas congeladas en mi congelador). There are a few frozen meals in my freezer (hay pocas comidas congeladas en mi congelador). A few (unos pocos). There are many vegetables in my refrigerator (hay muchos vegetales en mi refrigerador). There are many vegetables in my refrigerator (hay muchos vegetales en mi refrigerador). I'm eating a few calories this month (Estoy comiendo pocas calorías este mes). I'm eating few calories this month (Estoy comiendo pocas calorías este mes). There are a few (hay pocas). There are a few apples in my refrigerator (hay pocas manzanas en mi refrigerador). There are a few apples in my refrigerator (hay unas pocas manzanas en mi refrigerador). Countable nouns (plural) (sustantivos contables, plurales). A few apples (unas pocas manzanas). Many vegetables (muchos vegetales). Some frozen meals (algunas comidas congeladas). Some frozen meals (Algunas comidas congeladas). Do you understand? (¿Entiendes?) Countable nouns (sustantivos contables). For countable nouns we use plural (usamos el plural para los sustantivos contables). Many vegetables (muchos vegetales). A few slices of cheese (pocas rebanadas de queso). Some frozen meals (algunas comidas congeladas). Many vegetables (muchos vegetales). Do you understand? (¿Entiendes?) Invent sentences using "a few", "many", and "some" (Inventa frases utilizando "pocos", y "algunos"). Comment your sentences here (Comenta tus frases aquí). Share this class with your friends (Comparte esta clase con tus amigos). Be VIP at! (¡Sé VIP en It's really worth it! (¡Realmente vale la pena!). See you next class!

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