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Conversation Strategy - feedback

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora conversation strategies (estrategias de conversación). React to news (reaccionar a notícias). Positive feedback (feedback positivo). Negative feedback (feedback negativo). That's good! (que bueno!). That's great! (que optimo!). That's wonderful! (que maravilloso!). That's bad! (que mal!). That's horrible! (que horrible!). Good news... (buenas notícias). That's good! (que bueno!). That's great! (que optimo!). That's wonderful! (que maravillososo!). That's bad! (que mal!). That's terrible! (que terrible!). You: I'm speaking English! (yo estoy hablando inglés). That's great! (que optimo!). Are you studying every day? (tú estás estudiando todo día). That's wonderful! (que maravillososo). And is your friend studying English? (y tu amigo está estudiando inglés?). No, he's not... (no, él no está...). That's bad! (que mal!). I'm playing soccer every day (yo estoy jugando fútbol todo día). That's great! (que optimo). Are you studying? (tú estás estudiando?). That's terrible (que terrible). You need to study (tú tienes que estudiar). That's good! (que bueno). That's great! (que optimo). That's wonderful! (que maravilloso). That's  bad! (que mal). That's terrible! (que terrible). Complete the exercises at (completa los ejercícios en el website). See you next class!

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