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A different exercise

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a different exercise (un ejercício diferente). What's your perfect day? (cual es tu día perfecto?). Where are you? (dónde tú estás?). What are you doing? (que tú estás haciendo?). What's the weather like? (como está el tiempo?). Who are you with? (con quien tú estás?). What's your perfect day? (cual es tu día perfecto?). Where are you? (donde tú estás?). I'm at the beach (yo estoy en la playa). Who are you with? (con quien tú estás?). I'm with my family? (yo estoy con mi familia). What are you doing? (que tú estás haciendo?). I'm playing (yo estoy jugando). What's the weather like? (como está el tiempo?). It's hot and sunny (está caliente y soleado). Imagine your perfect day... (imagina tu día perfecto). Where are you? (dónde tú estás?). What are you doing? (que tú estás haciendo?). Who are you with? (con quién tú estás?). What's the weather like? (como está el tiempo/clima?). Answer the questions (contesta las preguntas). Speak (hable). We're here to help you (estamos aqui para te ayudar). Complete the exercises at (completa los ejercícios en el website). See you next class!

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