18 de Ceptiembre de 2019 -

Something, Beatles to Forever VIP Claudia Bongard

por Scarlett

Clase del curso de inglés y liderazgo tú aprendes agora songs to practice your English (músicas para praticar tu inglés). Today we sing Something by the Beatles (hoy cantamos Algo, de los Beatles). This is to you our Forever VIP Claudia Bongard in Switzerland (esta es para nuestra Forever VIP Claudia Bongard na Suíça). Enjoy (disfruta). Something in the way she moves (algo en el modo en que ella se mueve). ___ me like no other lover (___ como ninguna otra amante). Something in the way she woos me (algo en el modo en que me corteja). I don't want to leave her ___ (ya no quiero dejarla ___). You know I believe and how (sabes que ya le creo y como). Somewhere in her ___ she knows (algo en su ___ sabe). That I don't need no other lover (que no necesito ninguna otra amante). Something in her ___ that shows me (algo en su ___ que me muestra). I don't want to leave her now (ya no quiero dejarla). You know I believe and how (sabes que ya le creo y como). You're asking me will my love ___ (me preguntas si mi amor  ___). I don't know, I don't know (no lo sé). You ___ around and it may show (___ alrededor, podría mostrarse). I don't know, I don't know (no lo sé). Something ___ the way she knows (algo ___ manera sabe). And all I have to do is ___ of her (y todo lo que tengo que hacer es ___ en ella). Something in the things she shows me (algo en las cosas que me muestra). I don't want to ___ her now (ya no quiero ___). You know I believe and how (sabes que ya le creo y como). Claudia Bongard. This is to you my Forever VIP (esta es para ti mi Forever VIP). And you? (¿y tú?). Which song do you want us to play? (¿cuál música quieres que toquemos?). See you next class!

1. "Something in the ___ she ___".

2. "___ me like no other ___".

3. "I don't want to ___ her ___".

4. "Somewhere in her ___ she ___".

5. "Something in her ___ that ___ me".

6. "You're asking ___ will my love ___".

7. "You ___ around and it may ___"

8. "And ___ I have to do is ___ of ___".

9. "I don't want to ___ her now".

10. Next song talks about ___.