26 de Agosto de 2021 -

Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

por Scarlett

Hello, my friend (hola, mi amigo). How are you? (¿cómo estás?). God bless you (Dios te bendiga). Today, Rule #11 (hoy, Regal #11). Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street (acaricia un gato cuando lo encuentres en la calle). If you haven't watched the other Rules I recommend you to watch them, too (si aún no vistes las otras Reglas, te recomiendo que las veas también). Rule #12 (Regla #12). Imagine a Being who is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent (imagina un ser omnisciente, omnipresente y omnipotente). What does such a Being lack? (¿qué le falta a este ser?). The answer? (¿la respuesta?). Limitation (limitación). If you already have everything, if you are already everything, everywhere, there is nowhere to go and nothing to be (si ya tienes todo, si ya eres todo, en cualquier lugar, no tienes donde ir y nada para hacer). Everything that could be already is and everything that could happen already has (todo lo que podrías ser ya es y todo lo que podría suceder ya sucedió). And it is for this reason, so the story goes that God created man (y es por eso, entonces la historia continua que Dios creó al hombre). No limitation, no story (sin limitación, sin historia). No story, no Being (sin historia, sin ser). That idea has helped me deal with the terrible fragility of Being (esta idea me ayudó a lidiar con la terrible fragilidad del Ser). If you pay careful attention, even on a bad day, you may be fortunate enough to be confronted with small opportunities (si prestas mucha atención, aunque sea en un día malo, puedes tener la suerte de depararte con pequeñas oportunidades). Maybe you will see a little girl dancing on the street because she is all dressed up in a ballet costume (tal vez veas a una pequeña niña bailando en la calle disfrazada de balletista). Maybe you will have a particularly good cup of coffee in a café that cares about their customers (tal vez tomes una taza de cafá particularmente buena en una cafetría que se preocupa con sus clientes). Maybe you can steal 10 or 20 minutes to do some little ridiculous thing that distracts you or reminds you that you can laugh at the absurdity of existence (tal vez logres robar 10 o 20 minutos para hacer alguna cosa rídicula que te distraiga o recuerdes que puedes reír de lo absurdo de la existencia). Maybe when you are going for a walk and your head is spinning, a cat will show up and if you pay attention to it, then you will get a reminder for just 15 seconds that the wonder of Being might make up for the ineradicable suffering that accompanies it (tal vez cuando estes saliendo a caminar y muevas tu cabeza, un gato aparezco y sin prestar atención, recibiras un recordatorios solo por 15 segundos de que la maravilla del Ser puede compensar el sufrimiento irremovible que lo acompaña). Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street (acaricia un gato cuando lo encuentres en la calle). Matthew 7:7 says "Ask, and it shall be given to you" (Mateo 7:7  dice "pedid, y os daré"). Seek, and you shall find (busca, y econtrarás). Knock, and it shall be open unto you (golpea, y se abrirá). For everyone who asks, receives (todo el que pide, recibe). The one who seeks finds (quien busca, encuentra). And the one who knocks, the door will be open (y aquel qe golpea, la puerta será abierta). See you next class!

1. Being incomplete is ___.

2. Without limitation there's no ___. Without story, there's no ___.

3. If you pay careful attention you ___.

4. This rule talks about ___ of our lives.

5. Ask, and it shall be ___.

6. Seek, and you shall ___.

7. ___, and it shall be open unto you.

8. For everyone who asks, ___.

9. When we start paying attention, we start to ___.

10. Dib's sat between ___ and there's a ___ around him.