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Present Perfect part 2

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora Present Perfect. "Like" this class (dale un "me gusta" en esta clase). Comment your examples here (comenta tus ejemplos aqui). Share this class with your friends (comparte esta clase con tus amigos). Present Perfect. Something we have done (algo que hemos hecho). I have talked to you (yo he hablado contigo). You have talked to me (tú has hablado conmigo). They have saved a lot of money (ellos han ahorrado mucha plata). They haven't saved a lot of money (ellos no han ahorrado mucha plata). Have they saved a lot of money? (ellos han ahorrado mucha plata?). We have tried surfing (hemos intentado surfar). We haven't tried surfing (no hemos intentado surfar). Have we tried surfing? (hemos intentado surfar?). You have listened to music (has escuchado música). Have you listened to music? (has escuchado música?). We have studied English (hemos estudiado inglés). We haven't studied English (no hemos estudiado inglés). Have we studied English? (hemos estndiado inglés?). Present Perfect. Affirmative (afirmativa). Negative (negativa). Interrogative (interrogativa). You tell me the negative and interrogative forms (tú me dices las formas negativa y interrogativa). I have checked my email a lot (yo he chequeado mucho mi correo). What's the negative and interrogative form of this sentence? (cual es la forma negativa de esta frase?). We have walked a lot (hemos caminado mucho). What's the negative and interrogative form of this sentence? (cual es la forma negativa y interrogativa de esta frase?). Comment your sentences here and share this class with your friends (comenta tus frases aquí y comparte esta clase con tus amigos). Be VIP at (sé VIP en el website). See you next class!

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